3aIT Blog

We know that many of our Windows-based clients will be familiar with the often unwanted experience of their PDF documents opening in Microsoft's Edge browser rather than Adobe's reader when they get a new machine or after a big update. However, a change is soon coming to Edge that means these will be one and the same thing.

There's a small but potentially important change coming for those that use Microsoft's services to provide their email. It's unlikely to impact personal accounts, as almost all users will be using modern methods to connect, but if your intranet service that relies on connection to an email account breaks / has broken for no obvious reason, this may be why...

After over two decades of service, Microsoft have finally pulled the plug on what was once a world-conquering web browser. It will not be mourned by many, although it has caused some issues for legacy applications that still need it. We take a quick look at what is and isn't possible here according to Microsoft's timelines.

We've mentioned a few times recently that Microsoft have been working on a brand new "built from the ground up" version of Outlook over the last few months, which will eventually replace the current version. They have now released a beta version of the app to the general public, which means we can now see broadly how this new version will look and work.

Although Microsoft is very keen for people to use their 365 service to access their ubiquitous Office suite, they are still making "fixed" versions available every few years for those that want to avoid the subscription service for whatever reason. The next of these is launching very soon.

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