3aIT Blog

Have you ever needed to look at a website or check something else online from a location other than your own? Maybe you need to check how your website looks outside of the UK. Maybe you want to check the results Google returns when it isn't factoring in all the things it knows about you. Opera's free browser VPN can help with this.

A couple of months ago, we blogged that WhatsApp will be rolling out a new feature that allows you to access your account on multiple devices that will continue to work regardless of whether the "primary" phone is in range / switched on. This is now being rolled out, so our HowTo this month explains how to do this.

Shortly after we published our blog last month asking whether Apple's child safety plan was the thin end of the wedge, they announced that they would be delaying these plans. While we won't take full credit for this, what has Apple decided to do here, exactly?

Although Microsoft is very keen for people to use their 365 service to access their ubiquitous Office suite, they are still making "fixed" versions available every few years for those that want to avoid the subscription service for whatever reason. The next of these is launching very soon.

Quick! It's on sale! Buy it fast! But wait... Is this deal as good as it seems? It's easy to get caught up in the moment and jump on a limited time offer, but it often pays to check whether the price really is better than it has been in the past (and therefore may well be again in the future). This month's HowTo shows you where to look to find out.

Many people that have been working from home recently will be familiar with the concept of "remote desktop" - allowing you to access a machine in your office from another device entirely. Microsoft's latest product takes that to the next level. What if that remote machine doesn't actually physically exist at all?

As you may or may not be aware, most internet connections in the UK use a system called Fibre To The Cabinet (FTTC) at the moment. In an increasing number of areas, a faster and more reliable option is now available - fibre to the premises (FTTP). However, finding out if this is available where you are can be quite confusing. Let's see if we can help with that.

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