3aIT Blog

The latest development version of Windows 10 includes a new feature that will be familliar to users of Apple's "Airdrop" feature. Dubbed "Near Share", this new facility will allow users to share their files with people nearby without either of them having to be on the same network connection.

As you may or may not be aware, by default, your web browser keeps a record of every page of every website that you visit. While this can often be useful, if other people use the same browser, it can inadvertently ruin surprises you've been researching - especially at this festive time of year. In this HowTo, we take a look at how you can temporarily disable this record.

Microsoft have announced that there will be no further support for any of the applications within the 2007 version of their Office suite. This means this version of the software will no longer be patched, therefore leaving anyone running it on their machines vulnerable to attack.

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