You have almost certainly seen many warnings that you should be always be wary of malware getting onto your device, but what exactly is malware?
You have almost certainly seen many warnings that you should be always be wary of malware getting onto your device, but what exactly is malware?
Windows 10 has now been available for a month. While everyone at 3aIT uses Windows to some degree, I am the only one that uses it all the time - both at work and at home. I've been trying out Windows 10 for the best part of that month, and thought it might be useful to provide a first-hand overview of some of the changes that you will find if and when you take the plunge and install the latest version of Microsoft's OS.
We often refer to a CMS (Content Management System) in relations to websites that we build, but what is a CMS?
Wordpress 4.3 is due to be launched in August. This is a feature update rather than the more run-of-the-mill security updates.
The new version of Microsoft's Windows operating system is now rolling out onto PCs, mobiles and tablets round the world. As has been widely publicised in the lead up to this launch, this upgrade is being made available for free to Windows 7 & 8 users for the first year.
Microsoft have now made free versions of Word, Excel and Powerpoint available to install on Android devices. While these have been available for Apple devices for some time, this marks the first time these venerable applications have made an appearance on Android (by far the more widely-installed operating system).
You will almost certainly have heard companies telling you to move all your data to 'the cloud' and how 'the cloud' is changing everything, but what IS 'the cloud'?
As of this week, the process to move from one broadband provider to another has changed (in most cases).
You may have heard the term "Responsive" or "Mobile-Friendly" website a lot recently, but what do we mean when we say that?
Google have announced that the next version of their Android mobile operating system will be released shortly. It's likely it will be made available in or around September. Google haven't assigned it the traditional "sweet" codename yet (a la Lollipop, KitKat, Ice Cream Sandwich etc). As far as numbered versioning is concerned, it's not currently clear if this will be version 5.2 or version 6.